Grand-Largue, France

You are currently viewing Grand-Largue, France

Grand-Largue is my historical partner. It started with the first Stir Ven in 1998. With Pierre-Yves de la Rivière, we took the first steps towards the CNC cutting of plywood and other new techniques to make the construction of wood-epoxy boats easier.

Grand-Largue offers boats ready to sail, kits, hulls to be finished, as well as all supplies, including sails, motors or trailers. The yard also provides polyester boats, in particular the Bounty. He also does wintering, repairs, painting work to restore your boat to new condition.

The Grand-Largue range is made up of Méaban, Stir-Ven (19 and 22), Béniguet, Minahouet, Morbic 12, Laïta. After the Icarai boatyard’s closure in 2014, almost all of my plans can be the subject of kits or built by Grand-Largue.

In 2019, the builder published a website dedicated to kit boats. You will find there description and prices for the kits of 50 Vivier plans: CNC plywood packs, solid wood, fittings, glue, paint, sails and rigging, trailers … You will be able to assess the cost price of your building project.

Zone d’Activité de la Ville au Coq,  35800 Saint Briac sur mer
Pierre-Yves de la Rivière 02 99 88 91 93 et 06 22 07 71 41

Le chantier Grand Largue
Grand Largue Boatyard

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